
  • Clear the Clutter
    Clear the Clutter
    This statement may refer to your home, your car, your life…I speak about “clearing the clutter” metaphorically, your life and your life space.

    Life Coaching , transition coaching is more popular today than in the past..why???

    More individuals are finding themselves stuck in old patterns , old jobs, for any number of reasons.

    The first step to clarity and focus in your life is “clearing the clutter”..what keeps you up at night, what gets in the way of focus for you. These are the issues we deal with and literally and figuratively “clear that clutter” to make way for your life goals and life purpose. Begin your new direction with ...
  • What makes an effective leader?
    Effective Leader

    How do you treat individuals? Do your colleagues/employees enjoy coming to work? Organizations that have effective leaders treat their employees as professionals. They give them opportunities to learn and grow. When they make mistakes, these mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities. Individuals are heard, validated, valued and respected. Employees feel a sense of purpose. Leaders demonstrate courage and integrity by taking risks and doing what needs to be done for the right reasons.

    Think about your Leadership ...

  • Leadership
    “Great leaders use failure a a wake-up call. These leaders have come to understand that struggle is a natural part of leadership and that it is often the struggle itself that unlocks the potential for the greatest growth. Instead of denying the struggle or feeling diminished by it, they learn to embrace it as an art to be ...