What kind of person are you? Are you stumped by the “What if’s” in life? People that conduct their lives on “What if” end up very disappointed in their achievements. Many people are “afraid to take risks” with their decisions and play the “What if” game with themselves..it is important in life to “take measured risks” and live in the present. You will be surprised to see the opportunities that open up for ...
Feb 26, 2021
Your Attitude
You are in charge of your attitude. Every morning when you wake up, you decide to welcome the day with a open heart and mind or see the rain behind the clouds and focus on the negative or “what if’s”…you cannot control anything but your attitude, your reactions and your ...
Feb 26, 2021
4 ways to Concentrate again…TAKE A BREAK (Take two short breathers an hour),TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE (Research has proven the mistakes made when looking at texts, answering the phone), REEL IN YOUR MULTITASKING (The brain cannot handle more than 2 activities at a time.), PRACTICE MINDFULLNESS (Concentrate on your breaths, this is a Buddhist technique that has been shown to improve mental ...
Feb 26, 2021
Guilt – A Human Emotion
Guilt continues to interfere with moving forward. It is a powerful human emotion that we must acknowledge..however, not get stuck in the “moment”. Guilt is not always “bad”, there is “good” guilt as well. Remember to honor your feelings and emotions. If you are feeling ineffective, it is probably “bad” guilt and you need to move on…let it ...
Feb 26, 2021
Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs
Most limits in our lives are self-imposed. They are usually integrated into our lives from early childhood. It is critical to identify the source so we can choose new beliefs that fit into our current life and direction. We need to become aware of those beliefs that keep us from moving forward. Once we identify it and understand where it came from in our past (parents, siblings, friends), we shift it and take action with the new belief.